Price/Performance Scraper

Important Message

This Is A Demo Deployment

Since the back-end server is hosted at a data center, real-time price scraping may fail due to the server's IP-address being blocked.

In this demo deployment, if price scraping fails, the back-end will instead simulate a Price Scrape by waiting for a few seconds and then fetch a random completed Price Scrape of the same Benchmark Type from the database.

Price Scraping still works as normal when the project is run locally. If you want to set up this application on your localhost, follow this guide in the GitHub README.

Price/Performance Scraper is a tool to compare the price efficiency of different GPU and CPU models. You can select specific products and it will scrape the currently available prices for the products and calculate their Price/Performance Score. The Price/Performance Score is a value determined by a product's price compared to its performance benchmark relative to other models.

Currently, only online stores in Sweden are available for price scraping.

Click the button below to start a price scrape!

You can also use the Manual Comparison Tool to calculate the Price/Performance Score using custom prices and/or performance values.

View all past price scrapes in the Completed Scrapes section.

Current performance benchmark values in use can be found on the Benchmarks page.

To learn more, head over to the Information page.

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