
This website is designed to help you find the most value-for-money CPUs or GPUs on the market!

How It Works

Over at Start Price Scrape you can select products that you are interested in comparing and start a real-time price scrape, which will calculate the most price efficient listing currently on the market!

As of right now, only online stores in Sweden are able to be scraped. However, you can still manually enter prices and compare different products' price efficiency by using the Manual Comparison Tool.

Once the scrape has been completed, every price listing found will be ranked by its Price/Performance Score.

To prevent abuse, a 3 minute global cooldown is placed on Price Scraping. This means that you or anyone else using this website can only start one Price Scrape every three minutes.

When scraping GPU prices, only the cheapest sub-models for every GPU model will get scraped. Use the Manual Comparison Tool to manually compare listings that may have been missed by the scraper.

Price/Performance Score

This is the formula that is used to calculate the Price/Performance Score of a product:

( Benchmark Value ÷ Price ) × 100

A higher Price/Performance Score indicates that the product is more cost-effective in terms of its performance score, meaning that the product performs better in relation to its price compared to products with a lower Price/Performance Score.

It does not necessarily mean that a product is better than another product. The Benchmark Value determines that, and products with lower Benchmark Values will often have much higher Price/Performance Scores compared to the flagship models.


The Benchmark Value is the performance rating of a specific model, and a full list of all products available for Price Scraping with their respective Benchmark Values can be found on the Current Benchmarks page.

There are three different types of Benchmark Values; GPU Performance, CPU (Gaming Performance) and CPU (Multi-threaded Performance).

Benchmark Values range from 100.00 to 0.01, where the highest performing model in the list will always have a Benchmark Value of 100.00. The values are linear, which means that a product with a Benchmark Value of 50.00 has half the performance of the best product in the same category.

Benchmark Tiers

Products are sorted into different Tiers with other products of similar Benchmark Values, in order to make it easier to find comparable product models.

These Tiers are also seen when selecting products to scrape.

Benchmark Disclaimers

Benchmark Values are not always accurate and in no way definite. The CPU benchmarks are sourced from PassMark, while GPU benchmarks are an aggregate of data from PassMark and Tom's Hardware. Benchmarks are automatically updated once every day.

CPU Gaming benchmarks are semi-theoretical and not based on performance benchmarks from actual games. They are not necessarily indicative of actual gaming performance and should be taken with a grain of salt.

GPUs of the same model come in different 'sub-models' made by various third party manufacturers which may differ in performance from each other. No comparisons are made between individual sub-models in these benchmarks.

Use the Manual Comparison Tool to calculate Price/Performance Score using custom benchmark values.

Manual Comparison Tool

The Manual Comparison Tool can be used to calculate the Price/Performance Score of custom price and/or benchmark value inputs instead of just scraped values. Keep in mind that these scores will not match the Price/Performance Scores generated by scrapes unless the benchmark values are constructed using the same formula shown in the 'Benchmarks' section on this page.

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